samedi 20 juin 2015

Tn Requin

Question: What is Affiliate Marketing?
Answer: Affiliate marketing consists of selling products online and earning a commission when doing so. In very simple terms, affiliate marketing involves using the internet to present a product to an audience looking for something. Most of the time, people make a search on a search engine like Google. An affiliate marketer can then create content that will appear in the search results and be found by these Nike TN people to help them find what they are looking for. If a purchase is made through a link that you own (your affiliate link), you earn a commission. (The free getting started course offered at the bottom of this article will teach you how to get started for free!)

Question: Can anyone make money on the Internet?
Answer: Yes, yes, YES! Because you have what it takes to succeed online. You don’t have to be a techie person, you don’t need a marketing degree, and you don’t have to very smart (well you may actually be smarter than the big guys in the industry). Think about this…
If you spent as much time working on your affiliate marketing business as you did in your day Tn Nike job, you would be very successful! If you are willing to do what it takes, work consistently and set some clear goals for yourself, you will be surprised as to what you can achieve in this business.

Question: I don’t have my own product to sell. Is that OK?
Answer: I don’t own any products either. Instead I earn affiliate commissions.
As an “affiliate marketer” you promote other people’s products in exchange for a commissions. When you earn a sale for the merchant, you earn money. These merchants/companies give you “affiliate links” that track your visitors and automatically give Requin Tn you a commission if your visitor buys a product.
Some affiliate networks (like Clickbank) pay 75% on most of the products, so if you sell let say an ebook that is $40, you get a $30 cut. Pretty cool right?
There are tens of thousands affiliate programs out there in every imaginable market, the affiliate marketing opportunities really are unlimited. Affiliate marketing definitely isn't saturated!
Affiliate commissions add up really quickly when you see that you only need to get 4-5 customers out of a billion people online each day to purchase a product through your affiliate link. If an average sale is around $35, you can see that without a lot of work you will be easily making $175 per day every day.

Question: Can you guarantee that I will be successful? If not, what can I do to improve my chances?
Answer: No, I can't guarantee that for the simple reason that I can't know if you will work hard at it and be consistent in your efforts. Still, what I can tell you is that if you work at this business and treat it as such, you will be successful.
The online business world is an open door to everyone. You have the same opportunity as me. If you're commited and understand the potential of this business and your own potential as an affiliate marketer, sales will come your way and you'll reach the financial freedom you're seeking. That's a certainty.

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